With a pitching session held on 13th of July Quintetto presented its Qroom to an audience of about 200 international specialists, at the closing of the 2nd Training Programme for Clusters, SMEs and scale-up organizations initiative.
The 5-days programme organized by the SmartCTClusters project (*), to which Quintetto took part as a selected member of TorinoWireless (https://www.torinowireless.it/?lang=en), involved 5 international speakers, 4 Smart Cities, 16 stakeholders or market players, and 16 SMEs specialising around the pillars of Ict, Energy, Mobility, and Public Administration: an extended scale online event with participants from 17 different countries representing relevant agents of the Smart cities ecosystem, such as City Councils, Clusters, Professional Associations, Companies & SME, non-profit-organizations, Public Administrations, Start-Ups, Technology Consulting agencies, and technological centers.
The opportunity allowed Quintetto to enhance its knowledge of smart cities demand and needs so as to establish relationships for technology integration and development of comprehensive solutions aimed at improving the access to services from citizens. In this frame, holographic telepresence for interactive services represented here by Quintetto’s Qroom proved to be a pretty hot item as it addresses in a very simple but effective way a whole new category of remote service provision in true real time and full interaction in the town and communities environment.
(*) The project (https://smartctclusters.eu/), is one of the 13 European Strategic Partnerships for Excellence selected under the last call for proposals of the European Cluster Excellence Programme. It involves five European clusters operating in the field of and aims to develop a common strategy to support the development of Smart Cities through the exchange of best practices and the identification of innovative models of support to the clusters member companies.