Award for “Best strategic vision of new technological trend” at major entrepreneurial prize

This is how the jury of the “Chiave a Stella” award 2021 chose to prize Quintetto ‘s achievements in its business and industry segment. Hosted in the atmosphere of the avant-garde architecture of the Unimanagement school of Unicredit Bank in Turin on November 15th, the ceremony awarded eight companies for their ability to express and combine innovation and tradition, as well as for the excellence of their products and the promotion of their territory in Italy and abroad. To Quintetto went the Special Mention as “Best example of strategic vision with respect to new technological trajectories”, a significant recognition of the ability of the company to anticipate those technological trends more prone to respond to the critical changes in services and industries. The award is promoted by the Association of Small Enterprises (API) Torino, the Magnetto Foundation, the national newspaper “La Repubblica”, the Turin Chamber of Commerce and the Union of the Chambers of Commerce of Piedmont, UniCredit bank, the Confederation of Small Enterprises of Piedmont (CONFAPI) with the support of the Polytechnical School and the University of Turin.

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